Chiropractic Freedom Package – New for 2012

The purpose of the freedom package is to help free the doctor from administrative tasks and challenges so that she and he can spend more time on patient care.

  • Freedom from daily office distractions from patient care

  • Freedom to spend more time with family and personal pursuits

  • Freedom from low income


April, 2012

Dear Doctor,

Hi.  My name is Ed Petty and I want to tell you about a new road to practice growth.

It is a completely unique path that can take you to increased financial security and personal and practice fulfillment.  It is new. You just won’t find this approach – any where. We looked.

This is a project that we have been working on for a very long time. I guess you could say for 25 years as it is an accumulation of what we have learned while working in offices like yours across the country since the mid 1980’s. (You can find out more us on our web site.)

First, let’s look at your situation.

If you are like most doctors,

You have too much on your plate. Too many hats to wear. Too much to do.

Here is an obvious and dumb question:

How can you work on growing your practice and give excellent care when there is just so much damn stuff to do?

How can you do it all?

You can’t.

This is the capacity barrier that all doctors run into.

It doesn’t really show up at first.  When you are just starting out and your practice is growing, you delegate front desk duties and billing duties. Everything else you pretty much can do.

But as you continue grow, you run into a ceiling. A capacity restraint. Too much to do. So you hire another staff or two. This helps a bit, but then who is going to train them? Who is going to supervise them? More staff just means more work for you.  Right?

What actually happens is that you start on the roller coaster: Do good and grow, then slump back down. Do good again, can’t sustain it, then slump back down. Finally, tired of the roller coaster can convinced that you really can’t continue to grow, you settle for a level of production which is less than you can do.


What you need to do is to SHED some of your duties. You simply can’t do it all and if you insist that you must, you will never grow.

The old saying holds true:


That’s how you grow.

There is something missing in your office – a missing role in your office.

What is it? Let’s see: you have a front desk. You have someone in billing. Maybe even in therapy.   Obviously, you are the doctor, so that role is taken. But there is another role – the one that manages, that leads, and is responsible for innovation and marketing. It is the role that reviews expenses, works out office policies, trains staff, plans promotions, takes care that equipment is maintained, and pays the bills?

That role is the CEO – and that is YOU.

A CEO takes care of  a business. A doctor takes care of patients. These are 2 very distinct and different roles.  Anyone can tell you that a business that produces a million dollars over a few years’ time should be run by a CEO.  Now, what kind of training have you had as a CEO? Let’s compare it to that of being a doctor?  You have spent 100-200 thousand in training and coaching as a doctor?  How much as a CEO? No comparison, right?

“OK”, you say, “so I am the CEO. I still have the problem of not having the time to do it.”  This is where our program kicks in and can help you.

First, you need to develop the skills of a CEO – leadership, management, and marketing.

Then, you work on delegating 80% of these duties.

Introducing our new chiropractic business program: The Freedom Package.


The focus of our new program – the Freedom Package – is to train and support three critical roles in your office.   These roles are usually only moderately fulfilled, often inconsistently and reactively and because of this, your practice roller coasters or eventually stalls before you achieve your goals.

The key to competency and proficiency is training.  CONTINUOUS TRAINING AND SUPPORT.

To the degree these roles are fulfilled competently, your practice will grow and you can achieve your goals.

These three roles are:

  • Marketing Manager
  • Office Manager
  • Doctor as the CEO

These Roles Are Usually Overlooked.

Marketing. The biggest problem with your marketing is that it just doesn’t get done. And when it is, it is inconsistent. More new patients equals more income. So why don’t you have more new patients? Because no one is in charge of your marketing who is trained and regularly supported.

Management. The same is true with office management. Most office  managers are trained to think that office management has to do with knowing the new CPT 10 codes and HIPAA.  In fact, an office manager helps you improve the performance of each team member and the team as a whole.  She also helps you with all the miscellaneous crap that eats up your time and attention.

Leadership. And then this takes us back to your role as the CEO – which is also overlooked.

Our program, the Freedom Package, focuses on these  three elements of success: Marketing, Management, and  Leadership.

3 WEBINARS. Here are the details of our new Practice Freedom Package:

*****  Each month we will host a training webinar for your marketing manager. This will be followed by a round table discussion and share session.

*****  Each month we will also host a training webinar for your office manager, also followed by discussion group.

*****  Every other month, we will hold an executive briefing for doctor owners only.

If you do not have someone assigned as the marketing manager and the office manager, then you should attend these classes until you are ready to delegate these duties.  These webinars do not require computers though it is recommended. Each session includes a dial in number which  makes the webinar a tele-seminar for you.

Generally, the office management webinar will be held on the second Thursday of each month, and the marketing webinar on the 3rd Thursday of each month. The Executive Briefing webinar will be held on the 4th Thursday of every two months.  All classes begin at 12:30 pm Central Time. Click here for dates.


  • FREEDOM PACKAGE  –  The basic package includes the monthly webinars and discussion groups for training Marketing Managers and Office Managers, and the Executive webinar every other month. It also includes access to our Members Library.  $350/month (Grand Opening Special: $250)   
  • FREEDOM PACKAGE    With Customized Coaching –  This adds customized consultations, with one for the office manager, one for the marketing manager, and one for the doctor as the CEO. It also includes detailed statistical and marketing analysis each month with specific recommendations in writing. $850/month (Grand Opening Special – $725/Month) 
  • FREEDOM PACKAGE –    With On Site Management Visits  All the above plus we visit your office and provide a thorough analysis, recommendation, and group and one on one training. ($1,250 to $1,850/month, depending on frequency of visits.) 

To register for  the Freedom Package basic program, download the application form at this link and fax it back to us at the fax number provided (Webinar dates are not updated on form, but occur on the second and third Thursdays of every month, with the executive webinar on the fourth Thursday of every other month).  To register for the Freedom Package with coaching, or with on site management and marketing visits, please call us now at 414 332-4511.

Freedom Package Registration Form

Thank you for taking the time to read this article.  It has taken me a while to write it. Actually, about 25 years.  I am confident that is lays bare the essentials of practice success. To succeed, you have to be first and foremost an excellent doctor. A caring and skilled chiropractor. But unless you build a systematized business where you are not constantly worried about the daily management of your office, your focus as a doctor can become compromised. You can become disheartened at your lack of success and poor, and this will all affect your passion and skill as a doctor.

The solution is to accept your role as a business person, as THE manager and leader of your health care business. You are the CEO. To be effective, you need training for sure, but as important, you need a strong team that you can delegate much of the CEO functions to. If you can do that, my friend, you will be freer from financial fears, from being a slave to your business, and freer to pursue you higher goals.

Our Freedom Package is new. We are only taking a few doctors on for now. If this seems right for you, sign up. Or contact us if you have questions. I would like to talk to you.  And if you are not ready yet, that is fine too. We’ll be here.

Lastly, thanks for all you do. You are leaders in your community. Many people count on you, probably a lot more than you know. You are keeping natural health care alive amidst the well funded onslaught of drugs and poor health choices pushed on our communities. So thanks. You inspire us to continue to work for doctors like you.

Ed Petty